The most advanced Android solution in the market.
Hardware designed to perfection by iMin.
Such as cash drawers and scanners.
Manage queue numbers, orders, inventory and more.
To process orders quickly and efficiently.
Enhanced to outperform the competition, so that your business will too.
Process your orders at unmatched speeds with our upgraded CPU.
Stable and quicker information transmission using WiFi-6 and Bluetooth 5.2 to ensure you never miss an order again.
The world’s first Android POS device with the calibre and potential to outperform Windows devices.
Multi-touch features to support gestures, fast and sensitive touch response with superb dragging performance.
The D4 Pro’s Seiko thermal printer is equipped with an automatic cutter and made to be faster, quieter and more consistent.
Weighing at 6.1kg, the D4 Pro is a sturdy and sophisticated device that will allow you to leave your focus on your customers.
Supports USB Type-A, Type-C, RJ11, RJ12, RJ45, 3.55mm Audio Jack, TF Card, DC Jack.