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Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP (Odoo)

The Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software system that helps organizations automate and manage core business processes like finance, HR, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement, and others for optimal performance.

Enterprise resource planning modules

If you have individual software solutions that work, but don’t talk to each other, you are probably entering things more than once and missing a comprehensive overview of what’s going on. Between the Odoo apps and the tens of thousands of Community apps, there is something to help address all of your business needs in a single and cost-effective solution. Odoo apps are perfectly integrated with each other, allowing you to fully automate your business processes and reap the savings and benefits.

Enterprise resource planning
point of sale - Enterprise resource planning

Sales/Point of sale (POS)

account management

Account Management

supply chain

Supply Chain

Enterprise resource planning


customer relationship

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Enterprise resource planning


Enterprise resource planning
