The minimalistic and elegant piece of hardware is designed to blend into any display space.
With its unique secondary screen, the Swan 1 will prove to be an asset to merchants globally.
The Swan 1’s incredible secondary screen removes the need for separate payment acceptance devices and facilitates QR scanning.
› Android 11 Series
› Main Display: 15.6″ 1920 x 1080
› Secondary Display: 10.1″ 1280 x 800
› Compatible with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Ethernet
The Swan 1 is not only a dream for business owners. By utilizing its modular design, the device is a breeze to ship and store.
like no other
checkout experience for your customers
to class up any countertop
*The product pictures and display contents in the above pages are for illustration purposes only. The actual product effects (including but not limited to appearance, color, size) and screen display contents (including but not limited to background UI pictures) might differ.
*The performance results are obtained from iMin’s internal laboratory and extracted from specific test environments. In actual use, there might be a difference in performance due to individual differences in product, software, use conditions and environmental factors.
*The secondary display and accessories (display cable extension) are sold separately according to user needs.